Sunday, May 29, 2016

Route 50: The Lonliest Road in America

Today we drove from Ely to Reno, NV, which we have driven before in the opposite direction.   
There is a good reason that it is called "the Lonliest  Road".  John estimated about one car passing in the opposite direction for every 3 miles we traveled. The only exception being in the  2 dinky towns that we went through. Eureka and Austin are small but charming in an old west kind of way.. The temperature was a pleasant 60 degrees and the sun was shining.  We arrived in Reno and will see our nephew,Theo, and his wife, Holly, this evening. Meanwhile, our hotel, The Whitney Peak, has no casino, instead it has indoor and outdoor rock climbing walls.  The receptionist did tell us that we were welcome to try rock climbing. . . . Ha ha ha ha!

 Eureka, NV:  A new use for those useless horse shoes
 Old man in the old town!
 Love the snow on those mountains
 Today was purple flower day
Stokes Castle in Austin, NV

 View from our room in Reno
 Note the rock climbing wall on the outside of our hotel
John, Holly, and Theo - what a lovely way to end the day

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