Saturday, June 18, 2016

Bartlesville, OK and Frank Lloyd Wright's Prairie Skyscraper

John and I read about The Price Tower in the San Antonio newspaper a few months ago.  We checked the WEB site and decided that it would be great fun to book a room here on the way home.  I have to admit that I was so tired this morning, that I checked my sheet to see if I could cancel the reservation and just drive straight to Dallas.  Non-refundable at this point, so we drove through fields, farms. small quaint towns . . . and arrived here this afternoon.  What a wonderful treat!  The Price Tower dominates the landscape and is just impressive.  Our room is huge and totally FLW!  There is a gallery on the first two floors and a great restaurant on the 15th floor, where we had dinner this evening.  Wish you could all be here to experience this piece of history!
The Price Tower, Bartlesville, OK
Our room 
view from Copper, the restaurant on the 15th floor
Walking in the gallery
For Sarah and Alexis, Dad insisted that we take this photo.
Part of the Gallery exhibit was Peanuts & the world around us.

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