Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Monday and attempt #2 to drive along the gorge and see the sights.

While we saw a few sights on Monday, in the rain, we still had lots of tourists to fight, and could not get near Multanomah Falls.  John got to see it as he drove over the bridge at 6 cm/hour!  While this was the case for most of the other falls, we did get to see Horsetail Falls.  Then we decided to leave everyone else to fight over parking spots, and headed east to the Dalles.  Actually, it was a great move with limited traffic, great river views, and a very interesting Columbia Gorge Interpretive Center to enjoy while it rained.  Then we sloshed back to the B&B where there was iffy wifi, but a nice cup of hot tea to enjoy while we read our books.
View from Vista House

Horse Tail Falls

View from Rowena Crest looking towards the Dalles

Interpreting us at the Columbia Gorge Interpretive Center

Another flower for Felicity

Leaving in the rain, driving in the rain to Twin Falls, ID,
and staying at a hotel with iffy wifi

Today we drove all day and are now in Cheyenne, WY

no iffy wifi

Tomorrow we will drive to Omaha to visit my cousins, Jerry and Marilyn, and to celebrate our 46th wedding anniversary.  The photo was taken at Mt  Hood and I saved it to post.  Happy Anniversary, John!  I love you beyond words!

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